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Bowers and Samay
Let's Try It Again
Our Songs.
"Let's Try It Again"
"Fly Away"
"Are You Going My Way"
Lyrics and melodies Clent Bowers
Compositions Michael Samay
Arrangements Clent Bowers and Michael Samay
All lead's and backgrounds Vocals by Clent Bowers
Are You Going My Way Lead Vocal; Horace Bowers Sr.
All Piano played by Michael Samay
Drums and percussion, Yonrico Valdez Scott
Bass, James Leary
Trombone, Gregory Charles Royal
Clarinet, Fernando Harkness
Produced By: Alice and Horace Bowers Sr.
Executive Produced Clent Bowers
Editional Album ArtWrok By
Kristopher and Keeland Bowers

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